Walk Your Path

  • Walk Your Path
  • A 6-week nature-inspired journey to build clarity and confidence in your career direction. Delivered online.

    Starts 16th March


    If you’d like to hear when this course is running again, or about other similar courses and workshops, please click to join my subscribers.

    You’ve climbed the career ladder and enjoyed the corporate life, but now you’re finding that you’ve lost the motivation or confidence you once had. You’ve been questioning your career path for some time. 

    You feel stuck about what your next steps should be, and it’s causing increased stress or a lack of focus at work. These emotions are starting to creep into your personal life too. There’s a sense of guilt, knowing that others see you in a successful job that pays well. You don’t feel comfortable talking about this with others. You’re starting to feel trapped.

    You want to gain a deeper understanding of what you need to feel fulfilled at work, so you can have greater confidence in the decisions you make about your career path. You want to regain that inner confidence, so you can take control of your career. You don’t want to feel stressed about it anymore. You want to feel energised and motivated about the career path ahead of you.

    You love the idea of getting outdoors more and giving yourself space to think. You’ve heard how important being close to nature is to your wellbeing, but you’re curious about the additional benefits for clearer, deeper thinking. You’re keen to try something new.

    On the Walk Your Path journey:

    • Energising group workshops will guide, support & encourage you.
    • Powerful self-reflection tasks will take you outdoors, using the power of walking and nature to help you get to the heart of what really matters to you.
    • Nature-inspired guided visualisations will give you clarity of thinking and motivation to take action.
    • Structured worksheets will keep you on track and focused.

    In detail, you’ll get:

    • A weekly online workshop – up to 2 hours of deep reflection work, group discussion and support, on Wednesdays at 7pm (UK).
      • Workshop dates: 16th Mar, 23rd Mar, 30th Mar, 6th Apr, 27th Apr, 4th May *
    • A weekly self-reflection task – a written exercise supported by reflective time outdoors, to be done at a time that suits you during the week
    • Weekly downloadable worksheet – to help capture and structure your thoughts as you go on your journey
    • Innovative ideas with every task on how to use nature to get you thinking differently.
    • Visualisation exercises that help you to think more clearly, connect to what really matters to you and guide you forward.
    • Membership of a private Facebook group with the other course participants, to learn, share, celebrate and support.

    *NB. These dates include a 2 week break at Easter time

    You’ll leave with:

    • Clarity on what you need to feel fulfilled and energised in your career.
    • Increased awareness of what holds you back and dents your confidence.
    • vision for your career that feels authentically you
    • A clear action plan to start the journey to walking your path.
    • Motivation and confidence to make it happen


    • deeper connection to who you are and what’s truly important to you
    • A deeper connection to nature and the world on your doorstep

    In addition, through my partnership with JUST ONE Tree, I plant a tree for every new client that works with me. So as nature helps you find your path, you’ll be giving a little something back.

    To get the most from the course, you need to:

    • Feel ready to put time and energy into your personal development
    • Plan 1-2 hours of time each week for your self-reflection work
      • This can be spread throughout the week, perhaps taking a short walk each day, or done in one or 2 slots
    • Attend the weekly evening workshop
      • If you are unable to attend a session, I’ll be sharing key themes and takeaways after each one.
      • They will not be recorded so that attendees feel comfortable to participate fully. However, the guided visualisations will be recorded, so you can do these again in your own time.
    • Embrace the power of getting outdoors and be open to trying new things.

    Feedback from previous group courses:

    I’m incredibly grateful for Heather’s help in coaching me to take positive steps to get my career back on track. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone who is feeling frustrated and stuck in their current role.”

    “Heather made the group sessions very enjoyable”.

    “Felt in a safe environment to do this for my benefit and no-one else’s. Could be more honest with myself outside of my corporate environment. “

    “The course is a great life “health check” – it challenged me to stop and reflect on what is important to me”

    “The group setting worked really well as we were able to learn from each other and inspire each other.”

    Ready to start your journey to feeling more you in your career? Book your place below.


    If you’d like to hear when this course is running again, or about other similar courses and workshops,, please click to join my subscribers.

    Copyright © 2025 Heather Wright