I turn to my friends when I need support, so why would I need a coach?

Good friends are important, if not, vital. Most of us have different friends for different things – friends that you go to when you need to talk, friends who give the best advice, friends you have lots of laughs with, friends who encourage you to take a risk, friends that give you the kick up the …

Is the way you self-reflect sabotaging your success?

I recently discovered this TED talk by Tasha Eurich about self-reflection. Unsurprisingly, she says that “people who are self-aware are more fulfilled, they have stronger relationships… they’re more confident… they perform better at work…”. The list goes on. You’d expect that self-reflection would be the key to self-awareness, but what surprised her is that the …

What’s holding you back from making the changes you want in your career and life?

Let me introduce you to your internal saboteur. He/she/it (which is it for you?) is that little voice that chatters away within you, creating anxiety or doubt about something you’re about to do (a big presentation, for example), or something you are thinking about doing (going for a promotion, trying a new hobby etc.).  We …

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